------------------------------------------------------------------- APNIC Document identity Title: APNIC Service Provider Agreement Short title: service-provider-agree Document ref: APNIC-011 Version: 001 Date of original publication: 24 February 1995 Date of this version: 24 February 1995 Review scheduled: n/a Obsoletes: n/a Status: Obsolete Comments: Obsoleted by APNIC-040 -------------------------------------------------------------------- APNIC-011.0 D. Conrad Informational Document February 1995 Asia Pacific Network Information Center Service Provider Agreement Issued: February 24, 1995 Expires: August 1, 1995 In keeping with the requirements laid down by the IANA, the IAB, and the general Internet community, there are some special requirements a service provider must agree to prior to receiving a block of addresses. This document explains those requirements and is sent to prospective service providers when they first contact APNIC for a block of address space. Under normal circumstances, APNIC will initially allocate a block of address space to a service provider while reserving additional space for future requests. In order to obtain this service provider block service providers must agree to abide by addressing policies as speci- fied in RFC 1466 and those developed by APNIC as well as agree to main- tain historical records for address assignments made to customers. These historical records must be complete enough for APNIC to evaluate the service provider's address allocation policies and to verify those policies conform with accepted allocation guidelines. Thus, the infor- mation a service provider must keep includes the number of addresses requested, the number of addresses assigned, the estimates of host and subnet counts, and whatever other information which might provide jus- tification for allocations that do not conform to RFC 1466 or APNIC guidelines. Service providers are also required to provide reassignment infor- mation to APNIC for networks they assign to their customers. Please obtain and read APNIC-010 for more information on how a service provider should submit reassignment information. Reassignments should be done in a timely fashion, in keeping with the assignments the service provider makes to customers, the reassignments should not be delayed until the service provider requires more address space. It should be noted that APNIC maintains the authoritative registra- tion database for the Asia and Pacific Rim regions, any re-assignment is not considered authoritative until it appears in the APNIC database. When a service provider has consumed its initial allocation as indicated in the APNIC database, APNIC will request the allocation records of the assignments made to customers and APNIC will verify the D. Conrad [Page 1] APNIC-011.1 February, 1995 allocations in the APNIC whois database. Additional allocations made by APNIC to the service provider will be based on the provider's past assignment conformance with published guidelines, thus it is in the ser- vice provider's best interest to keep complete and accurate records. With respect to IP address "ownership", service providers have the option of treating the sub-delegation of networks to customers as per- manent or, if explicitly specified in the service provider's contractual agreement, temporary. It must be stressed that without a contractual agreement stating otherwise, assignment of networks to end users is always considered permanent (e.g., the 'ownership' of the network is transfered to the client). Finally, APNIC currently does not charge fees for the support and maintainance of the various Asia and Pacific Rim regional resgistration databases, although such activities due have significant costs. At the First APNIC meeting, it was resolved that APNIC will attempt to recover costs via donations from Internet related organizations in the Asia and Pacific Rim regions. APNIC would therefore request a yearly donation according to the following scale (in US dollars): Small: $1500.00 Medium: $5000.00 Large: $10000.00 with the size self determined by the service provider. Donations to APNIC are made through the Internet Society, a neutral international body established to promote the development of the Internet globally. If you are interested in making a donation to the operation of APNIC, please send mail to donate-wg@apnic.net or contact APNIC by fax, phone, or mail and we will provide you with the bank account information. As per the resolution at the APNIC meeting, it should be noted that failure to derive sufficient operational funds via donations will lead to APNIC being forced to charge some nominal service fee or fees to recover costs. Please complete the form on the next page and send it to APNIC at the address listed below. We prefer electronic mail, but will accept your form via fax or postal mail. If you have any questions, wish cla- rification on any of these requirements, or believe your situation to be exceptional, please contact APNIC at hostmaster@apnic.net at your earli- est convenience. Asia Pacific Network Information Center c/o Internet Initiative Japan, Inc. Sanbancho Annex Bldg. Tel: +81-3-5276-3973 1-4 Sanban-cho, Chiyoda-ku Fax: +81-3-5276-6239 Tokyo, 102 Japan Email: hostmaster@apnic.net D. Conrad [Page 2] APNIC-011.1 February, 1995 Asia Pacific Network Information Center Service Provider Agreement version 1.0 I, _________________________________, as a representative for the network service provider ____________________________________________, agree to abide by IP address assignment policies as determined by the Internet community and as described in RFC 1466, as well as assignment policies established by APNIC in its capacity as the Asia Pacific regional Internet registry. I also agree to keep historical records on assignments made such as requested address space, estimated initial, one year, and two year host and subnet counts, allocated address space, and other information which can allow APNIC to evaluate my IP address assignment policies. In addi- tion, I agree to provide reassignment information in a prompt and timely manner to keep the Asia and Pacific Rim network information database as up to date as possible. I understand that APNIC will base future allo- cations of IP address space based on my conformance with this require- ments. Finally, I acknowledge this document is not a legally binding con- tract, but merely an informal agreement to abide by the requirements of APNIC. Signed, ______________________________________________ Date:___/___/___ D. Conrad [Page 3]